Music Lessons in Clonakility

Clonakilty Junior Brass Band - South of Ireland Junior Band Champions 2024
Clonakilty Junior Brass Band – South of Ireland Junior Band Champions 2024

Clonakilty Brass Band has partnered with Cork ETB School of Music for the provision of a first-class comprehensive and complete music education programme, including one-to-one instrumental lessons, theory classes and playing in ensemble with our Junior and Senior Bands.

Sending your child to learn music at the Clonakilty Brass Band will mean that your child will not only gain a new, very enjoyable hobby but also make friends in an environment which is friendly and which can cater for children with different levels of ability, ages and social backgrounds. 

Learning a musical instrument has long been promoted by medical experts as improving the following in children: 

  • Intelligence
  • Self discipline
  • Teamwork skills
  • Co-ordination skills
  • Work ethic 
  • Personal growth
  • Creativity
  • Social skills
  • Perserverance skills
  • Self expression 
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